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How to store soft furnishings


If you are in the process of moving home, then you might be packing everything up and getting ready to move. The process of moving home is not always a smooth one and can often take several weeks or months for the sale to go through. This means that you can often be faced with the prospect of living out of boxes for a long period which can be stressful. Many people choose to pack things that aren’t essential so they are ready to move out as soon as possible. But soft furnishings such as bedding, cushions and towels can be difficult to pack if you don’t know how to. Our blog gives you some advice on how to pack soft furnishings for long term storage and keep them safe.

Clean First
It is important that you make sure to clean your soft furnishings before you decide to pack them into storage. This is because any dirt or dust particles that remain on your soft furnishings can harbour bacteria and end up staining the furnishings. By cleaning your soft furnishings you can ensure that you keep the fabric in good condition and that it doesn’t deteriorate. Make sure that you check the labels on your furniture to make sure that they don’t need to be dry-cleaned before you start cleaning. If you are unsure about how to clean fabric, you can follow these general instructions;

Make a solution of dishwashing liquid and warm water using ¼ cup dishwashing liquid and 1 cup water, but make sure it is not hot water
Mix the solution together until you start to get soap suds forming
Use a cloth and gently rub the solution into small areas of the soft furnishings
Scrape off the excess soap suds with a spatula or other flat utensil
Use a clean cloth and dab the area with clean water, but make sure the cloth is damp and not wet
Allow the fabric to dry fully before you begin packing your soft furnishings
Packing Soft Furnishings
When packing soft furnishings you should make sure that you put a moisture absorber in with any fabrics to prevent damage from damp. You should also beware of packing too many soft furnishings into the same box as packing them tight can lead to creases and damage in the fabric. Soft furnishings such as curtains, bedding and linens should be folded and packed in plastic bags for protection and to keep the fabric in perfect condition. This will also ensure that they stay fresh and you shouldn’t need to go through the hassle of washing your soft furnishings again.

How to Store Soft Furnishings
Once you have packed your soft furnishings into plastic bags to prevent any damage, you should store them in cardboard boxes for further protection and easier transportation. You should of course be wary of packing these boxes too tight so don’t force any more soft furnishings in once the box is full. Also try to stack the same items with each other so that they take up the same amount of space. If you have are storing bedding and curtains, these can end up being longer or shorter than each other, which can lead to creases in the fabric.

If you don’t want to be living around storage boxes, or you don’t have the space to store them in your home, then you should think about self storage. This provides the perfect place to store your belongings and keep them out of your way. Our climate controlled storage space is also perfect to make sure your soft furnishings are not damage by damp. If you are thinking about self storage then get in touch with us today.

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